【同义词辨析】 2020-01-17 无力unnerve-emasculate

unnerve: implies a marked and often temporary loss of courage, self-control, or power to act: ~d by the near midair collision.    如she appeared strained and a little unnerved她看起来神色紧张,有点心慌(不安、担心)

enervate: suggests a gradual physical or moral weakening through such debilitating influences as climate, disease, luxury, or indolence until one is too feeble to make an effort: totally ~d after a week's vacation.   debilitate使人"暂时"丧失能力,如做手术  feeble虚弱到可怜       enervating disease/climate使人衰弱的疾病/感到乏力的气候

unman: implies a loss of manly vigor, fortitude, or spirit: the sight of blood usually ~ned him.  fortitude坚毅stresses firmness in enduring physical or mental hardships and suffering指坚强地忍耐艰苦困难,如a trip that tested their fortitude那次旅行考验了他们的坚毅品质) "气概"是在对待重大问题上表现的态度举动或气势(尤指正直豪迈的态度),spirit本表示精神,是使人行动的属性,但中文一般不说男子精神而是说男子"气概"

emasculate: stresses a depriving of characteristic force by removing something essential: an amendment that ~s existing gun-control laws.   如the company tried to emasculate the unions公司试图削弱工会的力量,Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明显被他的女朋友驯服帖

unnerve吓住: 指丧失勇气力量,通常是暂时,enervate虚弱: 表示逐渐变得虚弱无力,因天气疾病舒适慵懒,unman吓住、丧失男子气: 指失去男子应有的力量坚毅气概,emasculate削弱阉割: 使丧失力量

记忆方法: 1)首字母eueu想成欧盟<==无力


         3)无力的意思是失去力量mean to deprive of strength or vigor and the capacity for effective action.首字母eueu想成欧盟<==无力